Our world is one of distraction and stimulation which can translate into internal chaos. My artistic practice is concerned with the creation and manipulation of organic forms. I am interested in the universality of the shapes and patterns that are present in our world. These can be observed in fauna and flora alike: a common language. The ubiquity of repetitive patterns is particularly interesting as I find them to have a meditative quality which invites the mind to enter a state of flow. By using this common language to mesmerize and captivate the viewer’s attention, my art attempts to recreate the feeling one experiences when facing Nature: a sense of internal peace and harmony.

July-Ann El Baze was born in Nice, France and holds a bachelor degree in Biology and Fine Arts from Bishop’s University in Québec. She primarily focuses on sculpture, and aims to integrate her knowledge of science within her art to demonstrate how they can be complementary. Experimentation and playfulness are at the center of her artistic process, always working with the material rather than against it, and adapting to each obstacle.